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The Norwegian Public Road Administration: digital product development and strategy


Public Sector






Linn Helen





A-2 Norge



Program management

Program management-office services (PMO)

Project Management

Design thinking


Strategic Mountain Map Model

Process Manager

Value realization


Strategic design


Interaction design

Graphic design

Bekledning og design - Bård Asle Nordbø / Statens vegvesen

Partner to the public road administration

We have partnered with Statens vegvesen since 2018 in Trondheim, Oslo, and Bergen. Our contributions include improving tunnel safety with Tunnelsys, modernizing the National Road Database, analyzing Autopass data, and supporting regulatory work with specialized systems. We also assisted in launching and delivering the modernization program Digital Drivkraft, enhancing Statens Vegvesen's capacity for future solutions.

Digital Drivkraft

We help Statens vegvesen strengthen their capacity for data-driven development through the "Digital Drivkraft" program. Our team contributes expertise in strategy, project and process management, strategic design, and the development of digital services and products. Together, we develop methods, processes, and tools that ensure improved data quality and forward-thinking solutions – solutions that meet the demands of a modern national digital infrastructure.


We have contributed to projects and product development efforts that have generated societal value exceeding one billion kroner.

New Road Data Regulation

We contributed to the implementation of the new Road Data Regulation, led by Statens Vegvesen for Norway’s road sector. As the national expert body, Statens Vegvesen plays a key role, including leading mandatory collaboration on road and traffic data. The work involves change management and developing expert groups across road authorities to ensure Statens Vegvesen and other stakeholders meet the regulation’s requirements

Digitization of Road List Production

We led the "Digitization of Road List Production" subproject for Statens vegvesen, modernizing a manual process regulating road usage classes. Using agile methods and close stakeholder collaboration, we identified needs, conducted analyses, and established the foundation for a business development project. This process enables a more efficient, digital solution involving road authorities, the transport industry, and Statens Vegvesen.

Traffic safety inspections

We have worked on solutions including new tools for traffic safety inspections, enhancements to Vegbilder for digital surveying, and tools for road structure design. These contribute to safer roads, efficient digital inspections, and durable roads that withstand traffic and climate challenges. The result is improved traffic safety, more efficient processes for Statens Vegvesen, and significant cost savings in road construction and logistics.


We developed Bomstua, a system for overseeing the tolling sector, automating data processes and enabling API-based sharing and visualization. The solution improves efficiency, reduces errors, and strengthens Statens Vegvesen’s oversight role. Our team has also worked on systems like Trygg tunnel, Brutus, and Vedtaksregisteret, gaining insight and contributing to strategic decisions.

Foto: Andreas Sætersdal Hartveit

In project

Caroline Syse

Caroline Syse

Anita Steinstad

Anita Steinstad

DesignProject and product managementStrategy
Andreas Sætersdal Hartveit

Andreas Sætersdal Hartveit

ManagementDesignProject and product management
Kristin Qvenild Nesset

Kristin Qvenild Nesset

ManagementProject and product managementStrategy
Linn Helen Dyrhaug

Linn Helen Dyrhaug

Project and product management
Malin C. Karlsen

Malin C. Karlsen

Project and product management
Marthe Skaara Drabløs

Marthe Skaara Drabløs

Project and product management

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